

Trial TypingMaster, Inc.Windows Secure Download

TypingMaster: a fast, comfortable tool for learning touch typing.

TypingMaster is a highly recommended tool for individuals who wish to learn how to type quickly and comfortably. The touchtyping system employed by TypingMaster allows users to gradually familiarize themselves with the placement of all the letters on the keyboard. Additionally, TypingMaster provides a separate module for learning to navigate the numeric keyboard. With an on-screen keyboard interface, users are encouraged to focus on the screen rather than constantly looking down at the keyboard, serving as a crucial initial step in the learning process. Eventually, users will become confident in their ability to type without needing to visually locate each key. Moreover, TypingMaster offers various features such as examinations, certification attainment, and access to personal statistics, enabling users to track their progress over time.

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